Перемещением по воздуху пришла мысля — сделать себе принт на футболке
"I HATE flying and airplanes, so leave me alone, would ya?"
И надевать её напоказ в самолёт. Может, хоть так избавлюсь от этих навязчивых лицемерных улыбок бортперсонала?..
АПД: И стоило мне только примириться с бортовой фигнёй и даже похвалить компанию, как тут - "НА ТЕБЕ!".
Пришлось написать вот такое письмо:
на наглицкомMost respected Sir or Madam!
I am writing this to express my worries about an act of outrageous negligence that happened today, at 27 of March at the Schiphol Airport, AMS. Mine baggage was not transferred to another aircraft and it stayed in Amsterdam while I was flying towards my destination at Schwechat.
Upon my arrival I failed to obtain any bit of credible information on the reason to these dismaying events or on the responsible party, so, unfortunately, I can only conclude that this was done on purpose as a deliberate act of a company as a whole. Without knowing any better I shall not have another story to tell my friends, relatives or any other person who asks me about the situation.
If I may be so bold as to ask you: if you, for some reason unknown to me, will decide to answer this letter, would you, please, be so kind to stick to the facts? Because, I assure you, that I shall not believe a single word of apologies, condolences, etc. ( Ye shall know them by their fruits. ).
With the hopes of never dealing with such situation again
and deep disappointment,
Sincerely yours,
Товарищ ИштванАвиакомпании — неисправимое дно. Даже лучшие из них.
АПД2: получил типовое письмо с извинениями. Но я упрямый и графоманистый, поэтому написал ответ
на всё том же наглицком
Dear Sir!
Many thanks for notifying me about your complete absence of concern to this problem. I re-read the message three times and hardly found a word worth reading. Meaning that after reading your message I'm none the wiser about the reasons of the incident. And, therefore, I cannot make any informed conclusion on whether the situation might repeat itself or not.
All I see is "we apologize" that really looks like "we don't care, get over it!".
Wishing you a pleasant day,
Товарищ Иштван